United States Presidents

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  1. G. Washington   2. J. Adams   3. T. Jefferson   4. J. Madison   5. J. Monroe   6. J. Q. Adams   7. A. Jackson
  8. M. Van Buren   9. W. Harrison 10. J. Tyler 11. J. K. Polk 12. Z. Taylor 13. M. Fillmore 14. F. Pierce
15. J. Buchanan 16. A. Lincoln 17. A. Johnson 18. U. Grant 19. R. Hayes 20. J. Garfield 21. C. Arthur
22. G. Cleveland 23. B. Harrison 24. G. Cleveland 25. W. McKinley 26. T. Roosevelt 27. W. Taft 28. W. Wilson
29. W. Harding 30. C. Coolidge 31. H. Hoover 32. F. Roosevelt 33. H. Truman 34. D. Eisenhower 35. J. Kennedy
36. L. Johnson 37. R. Nixon 38. G. Ford 39. J. Carter 40. R. Reagan 41. G. Bush 42. W. Clinton
43. G. W. Bush 44. B. Obama 45. D. Trump 46. J. Biden

Gerald R. Ford

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Birthplace: 3202 Woolworth Avenue, Omaha, NE (President Ford's Birthsite Gardens)

Visited: 5/12/2011

Log Excerpt: "The first stop was the Gerald Ford birthplace which turned out to be much more impressive than we expected. Ford lived in a Victorian home for a few weeks after his birth in 1913, but the house was razed after a 1971 fire. Omaha businessman James M. Paxson purchased the vacant lot after Ford became president and planned for it to be used as a memorial, setting up a Foundation to fund the memorial and associated gardens we saw. The whole plot is very attractive with a fountain and many flowers and plants in various garden areas. One little structure had a model of the original home in it and we noticed the structure was built to look like the cupola on the home. There was also a colonnade meant to evoke the White House covering monuments to all the Presidents and Ford."

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Home: Gerald R. Ford Jr. House, 514 Crown View Drive, Alexandria, VA

Visited: 6/20/2013

Log Excerpt: "Stopped in Alexandria at the Gerald R. Ford, Jr. House NHL. The President and his family lived in this rectangular 2-story house from the time of its construction until the Fords moved into the White House in 1974. This is a private home, so we just did photos from the street (and a quick run up the walk for the plaque)."

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White House


Home: White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC

Visited: 8/1968, 10/16/2022 etc. Photo of Oval Office from Gerald R. Ford Museum

White House Residence: 1974-1977

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Gravesite: Gerald R. Ford Presidential Burial Site, 303 Pearl Street NW, Grand Rapids, MI

Visited: 6/9/10

Log Excerpt: "In Grand Rapids, stopped at the Gerald R. Ford Museum. Very nice part of town, along a river in a park with surrounding glass skyscrapers. First checked out Ford’s simple grave area. Can’t see crypt or anything, just a curved wall with the Fords’ names on it."

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Museum: Gerald R. Ford Museum, 303 Pearl Street NW, Grand Rapids, MI

Visited: 6/9/10

Log Excerpt: "In Grand Rapids, stopped at the Gerald R. Ford Museum. ... went into the impressive glass-walled museum. Took a quick but very interesting and informative tour of the exhibits, most of which had sound presentations that started as you approached. Particularly cool was an identical copy of the oval office with Ford memorabilia. There were hidden speakers all over that carried on a conversation with Ford and others."