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National Scenic Trails (Non-Units) - Arizona

Arizona National Scenic Trail

5/2/2014 Headed east then north for the first of two Arizona NST sites. This one was where the trail, paralleling the road on the north, angled north up a primitive road. I had to hop a gate which was chained shut so I could walk the trail a little (rather than the road). Continuing north, then west, I hit the second stop. At this one, the NST ran through some really beautiful scenery before going under the highway through a culvert. I spent some time here taking photos of the mountains, cactus, etc.

The sign at the first site
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A gate needing to be climbed
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The trail sign on the fence
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The trail with blaze post
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Me and my ride on the trail
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A great panorama at the second site
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The gate at the underpass ...
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... and the trail blaze
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A spring cactus flower
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