NPS States
NPS Types
National Parks - Colorado
Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park
7/30/1994 ... headed to Black Canyon of the Gunnison National
Monument. Breathtaking canyon viewed from then top - very deep, narrow and dark.
Beautiful views.
The park sign from the car
A look into the canyon
Me at the view point
A better look at the river
5/24/2007 On the road to Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP.
Only did the trail and overlook at the visitor center, but still a really
magnificent sight down into the canyon, especially in the beautiful weather.
The park sign (note the snow)
The view point platform
Me at the view point
The canyon ...
... and river
Great Sand Dunes National Park
9/22/1983 Drove to the Great Sand Dunes. Had baloney
sandwiches in car. ... Walked up to and onto dunes, bounded down them.
The dunes from a distance
The scale of these dunes is hard to get - they're
Me on the dunes
I feel like Neil Armstrong
Ken having some fun
10/5/2012 ... headed to Great Sand Dunes NP on a beautiful sunny but cold day (also on the Los Caminos Antiguos CO Scenic Byway).
Went as far as the VC, taking photos in the rising sun. Back south a little, then west, the intersection being where the map showed the Old Spanish NHT [CO]
crossed, passing west of the SDC range.
The park sign
The dunes from a few miles off
A nice panorama in the morning sun
Me, my ride, and the dunes
The SDC mountains along the NHT
4/27/2017 Back down to the car, we drove a tiny bit to the dunes access area in the Park where we got some good
photos at the stream and reminisced about "bounding down the dunes" almost 35 years ago - yikes!! One last stop at the VC for a unigrid, and back on the road.
The park area sign ...
... and info
Ken photoing ...
... Buck Creek, and the dunes
Blowing sand
Beautiful views ...
... back to the dunes and mountains
Mesa Verde National Park
9/22/1983 Drove to Mesa Verde. Visited two ruins, the
Spruce House and Cliff Palace (trails and wooden ladders).
Cliff Palace
Ken checking out the ruins
Amazing construction
Me heading on up ...
Rocky Mountain National Park
7/23/1989 Drove through Rocky Mountain National Park -
beautiful mountain scenery, tundra. Hot cider and blueberry muffins snack at
Alpine visitor center.
Great view
Me blocking the view
Nice vistas everywhere
Snow still in July