NPS States
NPS Types
National Historical Parks - Georgia
Jimmy Carter National Historical Park
10/2/1997 Headed east to Plains and Jimmy Carter NHS. Passed the road JC lives on (no public access)
and stopped at the (old and restored) Plains High School where JC graduated (Roslyn C also). Saw exhibits about Carter and
drove to his nearby boyhood home. Went back to the center of town, by the depot where Carter ran his campaign, and bought
fried peanuts, salted roasted peanuts and peanut brittle.
The park sign
Plains High School
The Carter boyhood home
Martin Luther King National Historical Park
5/9/1996 ... drove to Atlanta to Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site [Historic District].
Here the whole section of Auburn is being restored by the NPS. Took a tour of MLK birth home - nicely restored, with
period furniture and household items.
The King home
5/23/2023 Dixie Coca-Cola Bottling Co. NHL. Built in 1891, this was the headquarters and bottling plant of the company,
and where the transition from a soda fountain drink to a mass-marketed bottled soft drink took place. The building is now part of Georgia State
University, and in the Martin Luther King, Jr. NHP.
The Dixie Coca-Cola building
Some park info ...
... about the NHS (now NHP)
Ken photoing ...
... the NHL plaque
Ocmulgee National Historical Park
10/2/1997 ... on the way to Macon and Ocmulgee NM. Saw a film/exhibits about the Indians who lived here 1000 years ago, creating
the burial mounds. Took a nice hike around some of the mounds (and on top of the Great Mound) and to the area where a trading post used to be.
The park sign
Maureen on the trail
The Great Mound ...
... with me on top