National Historical Parks - Kansas

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Brown v Board of Education National Historical Park

5/20/2000 Southwest from there into Topeka, stopping at the schools involved in Brown vs. Board of Education (part of the NPS). Saw the white school where Brown wanted to enroll his children, and the black school (a few miles away) where they were supposed to go.

Sumner Elementary School
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Monroe Elementary School ...
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... with Maureen peering in
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5/31/2019 Always keeping an eye on the predicted time to the airport, we moved on a very short way to the Monroe Elementary School in the Brown vs Board of Education NHS, also Sumner Elementary School/Monroe Elementary School NHL and also in the FFNHA. The two schools were central to the 1954 Brown v Board of Education segregation case. I had been here decades ago when the school was not very attractive and the park not developed. Now it is looking very nice surrounded by grass with interpretive signage. Inside, a tour was just starting, which didn't fit with our schedule ...

Long view of Monroe with signage
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Closer look from afar
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More signage - lots here
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Main park sign
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Ken and a view of the school
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A closer look ...
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... with the school name
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Ken taking a photo of ...
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... the NHL plaque
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