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National Historical Parks - Louisiana

Cane River Creole National Historical Park

5/15/2008 Headed south a bit and arrived at Magnolia Plantation [NHL] (in the Cane River Creole NHP) a little after it opened at 8. Talked to Ranger Rusty for a while as he opened up the buildings. This plantation doesn’t include the main house, which is still private, but the rest (slave/tenant quarters, gin barn, store, overseer house, etc.) is original. The plantation was working (with hand labor) until the 1950s. Weather is warm and muggy, but gradually cleared to a nice day. After squishing around the buildings, continued up the Cane River to Oakland Plantation [NHL]. Very similar, but here the main house is part of the park.

Magnolia park sign
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Magnolia store
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Slave hospital
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Slave/tenant quarters
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Oakland park sign
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The main house ...
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... and me
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New Orleans Jazz National Historical Park

5/16/2008 Walked to the French Quarter … and to the NO Jazz NHP. Saw the stage where a band plays sometimes, and got a walking map for later. … back down Bourbon and to Decatur to check out buildings on the NO Jazz map.

The park sign
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The band stage
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Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve

5/16/2008 South to New Orleans and the Chalmette Battlefield (part of Jean Lafitte HP&P). This is where the big battle for NO in the War of 1812 took place where Andrew Jackson (with help by JL) won big. Saw a film in the visitor center and did some driving and walking (squishy) around the battlefield and up the levee on the Mississippi. Also went into the Chalmette National Cemetery. Headed west … Arrived at the Barataria Preserve (part of the JL HP&P), with the rain starting up again. Checked out the visitor center, then took a hike on an excellent path and boardwalk through the bayou. Very lush growth, all kinds of animal noises – even spotted an alligator sliding into the water.

5/17/2008 Continued a ways to Lafayette and the Acadian Cultural Center (JL HP&P). Saw the exhibits on Acadian life and an excellent film on the difficult history..

The battlefield park sign
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A view of the battlefield ...
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... and monument
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The fortified battery
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The preserve park sign
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Very swampy
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The bayou
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The cultural center park sign
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Museum map of the migration
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Excellent models
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Almost looks real!
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