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Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
8/26/1998 Arrived at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore in early afternoon. Went first to Miner’s Falls for a 1.2 mile hike (RT) to view pretty falls. Continued to Miner’s Castle overlook to look down from the bluffs to the beautiful colored rocks walls, rock formations and clear green/blue water of Lake Superior. Took a walk down to view the “Castle”. Drove down to the beach area; walked a bit along the Lakeshore Trail, part of the North Country NST [MI] to the beach. Great white sand and clear water, skipped rocks and relaxed.
6/10/2010 Back on the road west to Munising Falls for one of the Pictured Rocks NL VCs, but it was closed, so juked into town to the main VC and picked up pamphlets, then back east and north to the Miner’s Castle area. Here we walked out to an observation deck to see the steep, gray and beige-colored cliffs below us with the beautiful blue-green water of Lake Superior at the bottom. We had nice views along the shore, including the Castle feature, a pillar of rocks. We walked over to another closer view of this, along the North Country NST. The weather had cleared quite a bit, giving us some sun which enhanced the nice colors. Ken was determined to find some evidence of the NST, so we drove down to the beach area that the trail ran along. Although we didn’t see the blue blazes, we found the NPS trail emblem – yay. From there back to the Munising Falls area, where a short walk brought us to the base and then top of some very pretty falls.
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore
9/27/1998 Drove down the coast and across to Sleeping Bear Dunes NL. Started the loop road; first stop, nice picnic lunch. Drove the loop road, stopping at an overlook looking out over the dunes area and the lakes. Went a bit more to the Cottonwood Trail head; walked this 1.5 mile loop over the dunes through cottonwood stands, with nice views of the Dunes Climb area. Continued to the Lake Michigan overlook. Walked to the edge of the high, very steep cliffs for spectacular views of the lake and cliffs. Watched people “walking” down the near 45 degree dune face and trying to crawl slowly back up - glad we were just watching! Finished the loop road and left the park...
6/10/2010 Headed along Lake Michigan (again on the Circle Tour and Circle Loop) through Traverse City and out to Sleeping Bear Dunes NL. Quick Stop at the VC, then out to the Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive, stopping at pull-outs and overlook. Saw a nice view of the SB Dune and out onto Lake Michigan, then a really spectacular view from the top of a big dune. We followed a boardwalk onto a deck hanging over the cliff. The dune dropped 450 feet steeply down to the beautiful shore of Lake Michigan, with different shades of blue and green. Hung out here for a while enjoying the view, then completed the scenic drive and checked out the Dune Climb, where people were having fun scrambling on the slopes.