NPS States
NPS Types
National Monuments - Mississippi
Medgar and Myrlie Evers Home National Monument
10/14/2017 Medgar and Myrlie Evers House This was the home of the civil rights activists from 1956 to 1963, when Medgar was
killed by a sniper in the carport. [2022 update: this site was authorized as Medgar and Myrlie Evers Home NM in March 2019. Since at the time of
authorization, and after land acquisition in December 2020, there were no substantial changes from what we had visited as an NHL, we decided to take
credit for the NM based on this visit.]
The simple home from straight on ...
... and an angle
Ken reading ...
... Mississippi Freedom Trail info
MS info
Some pictures from the incident
The front window with bullet hole
That window today