NPS States
NPS Types
National Parks - Nevada
Great Basin National Park
5/26/2006 ... then hit the road west to Great Basin NP.
Could see this mountain range rising abruptly from the
desert floor on the way in. Checked out the visitor center then drove the 12
mile winding road up near the peak of Mt. Wheeler. Although
it would get in the 80’s down below, up at the top (over 10000 feet) there was
plenty of snow on the ground. Another gorgeous day. Put a
jacket on and headed off on a nice trail (or ½ a trail – the rest covered in
snow!). Saw some of the interpretive signs, but in some
places was up to my calves in snow and also lost the trail so headed back to the
car. Changed my socks (wet!) and drove down stopping at
the overlooks for great views of the mountain peak and valley below. Stopped at
the visitor center ...
The park sign
Unexpected snow!
On the trail ...
... getting my feet wet
Beautiful mountian view
Panorama looking back to the valley
5/23/2014 ... Great Basin National Park, only a little over an hour away. The landscape we drove through was impressive with tall,
snow-capped mountains against the very flat basin floor. Weather has been getting slowly more overcast and a little hazy, with temperatures around 70°.
At the park, we hit the VC then drove the Wheeler Peak road, enjoying the spectacular viewpoints. At the top where the temperature was 42°, we took a
short hike in the woods with plenty of snow still on the ground.
The park sign
Me at the Mather monument
A nice panorama along Wheeler Peak road
A view into the valley
Ken at me at the viewpoint
Some natural detail