NPS States
NPS Types
Other National Park System Sites (Non-Units) - North Dakota
International Peace Garden
6/11/2008 Continued up to the International Peace Garden (affiliated NPS) straddling the US/Canadian border.
We had visions of Butchart Gardens – not. Even the entrance gate girl seemed surprised we’d want to be there. In season we’re sure
it’s nice, but in cold overcast, with none of the flowers planted it lacked a lot. Even the Floral Clock was just the center axle
covered in plastic and surrounded by dirt. We drove one park loop, saw the Peace Tower, the Bell Tower (no music) and the 9/11
Memorial (pieces of WTC steel). Quick pen shopping at the gift shop and hit the road.
The park sign
Me at the peace tower
Ken straddling the countries
9/11 Memorial
A nice panorama in poor weather
Gardens just a little before their peak