NPS States
NPS Types
National Memorials - Pennsylvania
Flight 93 National Memorial
7/1/2007 Went about ½ hour to the Flight 93 National Memorial. The temporary site is a small
building with pictures and volunteer interpreters and outside places for people to leave personal remembrances. A high
chain-link section allowed folks to fasten hats, notes, etc. The 8 or so flags flapping in the quiet morning was
perfect. Within sight of this area is where the plane impacted on 9/11, now re-grown and only identified by a flag.
Also at the visiting area are benches with names of the 33 passengers and 7 crew that died. It is hoped the permanent
memorial will be complete by 2011.
The temporary VC
Lot's of things people left ...
... and wrote
More stuff
The crash site
Johnstown Flood National Memorial
4/12/1997 Actually went up to near Sidman to Johnstown Flood National Memorial. The visitor
center is on a hill overlooking the remains of the earthen dam and the valley where the lake used to be. Nice
displays and movie depicting the flood.
The park sign
A panorama of the valley
Thaddeus Kosciuszko National Memorial
11/3/1996 Drove to historic area, parked and walked to Thaddeus Kosciuszko National
Memorial. Interesting talk by ranger, and saw apartment where TK stayed for 6 months as well as slide show
(smallest site in NPS).
A park sign
Dad and Maureen out front
A view of the apartment
10/18/2013 The next stop was the Thaddeus Kosciuszko National Memorial. The site has very limited visiting hours,
and was closed for us, so we just read the signage and took photos..
Some informative signage
A view of the building
Some more signage