NPS States
NPS Types
National Monuments - Wyoming
Devils Tower National Monument
9/12/1985 ... then on to Devil's Tower Monument. Picnic lunch there ...
The park sign and our destination
An iconic view
The tower and foreground rubble
A close-up of the extrusions
A friendly local
Fossil Butte National Monument
9/16/2005 Headed west into Wyoming to Fossil Butte NM. Went to the visitor center to see the exhibits and
enjoy the views of the butte and some deer. Back a little to the Historic Quarry Trail, a 2.5 mile Catskills-like trail to the old
fossil quarry. A pretty good climb but resulted in some beautiful views in gorgeous weather. Saw the old A-frame shack where one
fossil miner lived, and climbed up to the quarry to see the layered rocks where all the fossils came from.
The park sign
Fossils in the VC museum
The Butte
A great view from the trail
A miner's shack
The source of the fossils