Washington National Historic Landmarks
American and English Camps, San Juan Island - 8/31/2004
The sites of the British and U.S. Armies' camps during the Pig War border dispute starting in, occupied for 12 years until the Treaty of Washington
Arthur Foss (Tug)(Seattle) - 9/17/2024
Built in 1889, this is the oldest wooden-hulled tugboat afloat, noted as the last boat to escape before the Battle of Wake Island began in December 1941
Bonneville Dam Historic District
- 5/28/1995 (Photo 9/20/2024)
The district includes the dam which the first major structure built with a "hydraulic drop" capable of developing more than 500,000 KW of electric power
Duwamish (Fireboat)(Seattle) - 9/17/2024
Built in 1909 just north of Seattle, this is the second-oldest boat in the U.S. built specifically for firefighting
Lightship No. 83 “Relief” (Seattle) - 9/17/2024
Built and launched in 1904 in Camden, NJ, she is the oldest surviving American lightvessel
Mount Rainier National Park - 8/29/2004
Established in 1899, one of the earliest National Parks in the U.S., containing the stratovolcano Mount Rainier
Panama Hotel (Seattle) - 9/17/2024
Built by Japanese-American architect Sabro Ozasa in 1910, this building was essential to the Japanese community and holds the last remaining Japanese bathhouse (sento) in the U.S.
Pioneer Building, Pergola and Totem Pole (Seattle) - 8/22/2004
All in Pioneer Square, the Pioneer Building is a Romanesque stone, red brick, terra cotta and cast iron building which housed gold rush mining offices, the pergola was a cast iron shelter for transit passengers, and the totem pole is Tlingit
Seattle Electric Company Georgetown Steam Plant (Seattle) - 9/17/2024
Originally built in 1906 to power interurban rail transport between Seattle and Tacoma, the building houses the only functioning Curtis Vertical Steam Turbogenerator in existence
Virginia V (Steamboat)(Seattle) - 9/17/2024
Constructed in 1922, she is the last functioning ship of the Puget Sound Mosquito Fleet, and the only wooden-hull, steam-powered, passenger vessel that operates on the West Coast