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Indiana National Natural Landmarks

Calvert and Porter Woods - 5/30/2024
This area contains one of the finest near-virgin remnant forests in the Tipton Till Plain of central Indiana, with a great diversity of tree species due to a pronounced moisture gradient producing different habitats
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Donaldson Cave and Woods - 5/31/2024
A tract containing 80 acres of prime virgin forest and a cave system associated with the Indiana karst (landscape underlain by limestone which has been eroded by dissolution, producing ridges, towers, fissures, sinkholes and other characteristic landforms) region
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Orangeville RisePlaque - 5/31/2024
The Lost River, visible here, begins as a normal river in western Washington County, but as it meanders into Orange County, it begins to sink into "swallow holes" in the riverbed, eventually disappearing entirely into a vast system of water-carved passages and caves
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Pioneer Mothers Memorial ForestPlaque - 6/1/2024
This 88-acre old growth oak-hickory forest has been virtually undisturbed since before it was purchased in 1816; after being privately protected for 124 years it is now under the care of the USFS
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Wesley Chapel GulfPlaque - 5/31/2024
The Lost River, visible here, begins as a normal river in western Washington County, but as it meanders into Orange County, it begins to sink into "swallow holes" in the riverbed, eventually disappearing entirely into a vast system of water-carved passages and caves
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