Calvin Coolidge
Birthplace: Plymouth Notch Historic District, Plymouth, VT (Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site)
Visited: 7/8/10
Log Excerpt: "Continued west on small roads to Plymouth Notch, home of Calvin Coolidge (now a State Historic Site). Took a tour through the little village [Calvin Coolidge Historic District] starting with original and reconstructed barns. Across the street is the original birth home of CC, where we could go inside and see the nicely restored old house."
Home: Coolidge Homestead, Plymouth Notch Historic District, Plymouth, VT (Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site)
Visited: 7/8/10
Log Excerpt: "From [the birth home], diagonally across that street to the family homestead house where CC took the oath of office from his father after the death of Warren Harding."
Home: 21 Massasoit Street, Northampton, MA
Visited: 5/10/18
Log Excerpt: "We went to the first home which was the left half of a large semi-detached. Just a photo-op, although I did get to say hi to the resident just leaving."
White House
Home: White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC
Visited: 8/1968, 10/16/2022 etc. Photo 10/16/2022
White House Residence: 1923-1929 (In 1927, Patterson Mansion in Dupont Circle during WH renovations)
Home: 15 Dupont Circle Washington, DC
Visited: 10/13/24
Log Excerpt: "Calvin Coolidge Home. The ornate Patterson Mansion on Dupont Circle, one of several mansions built in Dupont during the Gilded Age, served as a temporary White House for President Calvin Coolidge.
Home: Summer White House, State Game Lodge, Custer State Park, SD
Visited: 10/3/19
Log Excerpt: "... entrance to Custer State Park where we headed east. The park is South Dakota's largest and first state park, named after Lt. Colonel George Armstrong Custer. As a representative point in the park we stopped at the State Game Lodge, an attractive and rustic building which had been used by President Coolidge as a Summer White House."
Home: "The Beeches", Hampton Terrace, Northampton, MA
Visited: 5/10/18
Log Excerpt: "From there back in the opposite direction to “The Beeches” at Hampton Terrace, a large gated property in an otherwise modest neighborhood, and also just a photo-op."
Museum/Library: Calvin Coolidge Presidential Library and Museum, 20 West Street, Northampton, MA
Visited: 5/10/18
Log Excerpt: "Drove back south to Northampton for some Calvin Coolidge sites. First stop the Forbes Library. I asked at the desk and confirmed it contained the CC Museum and Library and was open. We headed up to the floor with the relatively small room containing the displays and memorabilia about Coolidge. I spotted the famous Sioux headdress that CC received from the natives in a back office, and a nice woman came out and explained that within days it was heading to Vermont for a special exhibit at CC’s birthplace, so we got to see it up close and not behind glass. She also gave us a map of the two homes CC lived in. I had crossed one off the list as inaccessible but she confirmed it was no problem to her to as long as we didn’t go beyond the property gates"
Gravesite: Plymouth Notch Cemetery, Plymouth, VT
Visited: 7/8/10
Log Excerpt: "Drove up the road just a little to the small Plymouth Notch Cemetery, and found the very simple grave and stone for CC, along with a whole line of other Coolidges back to the 1700s."