William Howard Taft
Birthplace: 2038 Auburn Avenue, Cincinnati, OH (William Howard Taft National Historic Site)
Visited: 9/27/97
Log Excerpt: "Stopped in Cincinnati at the William H. Taft National Historic Site [Alphonso Taft Home NHL], Taft’s birthplace. Had a short tour of a few rooms, and saw the museum displays in the rest."
White House
Home: White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC
Visited: 8/1968, 10/16/2022 etc. Photo 10/16/2022
White House Residence: 1909-1913
Home: Hotel, 265 College Street, New Haven, CT (Taft Apartments)
Visited: 5/5/13
Log Excerpt: "We drove more into old central New Haven, and parked in a garage in the theatre area and the Green. We first hit the Taft Apartments, a tall attractive structure and once the home of President William Taft."
Gravesite: Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA
Visited: 11/9/08
Log Excerpt: "Continued down a bit to the JFK grave and eternal flame, and a bit more to President Taft’s grave."