New York Scenic Byways
Lakes to Locks Passage

Total Segments Traveled
10/17/2020 Bennington Battlefield State Historic Site
10/18/2020 Champlain Valley National Heritage Partnership.
A little more south in Valcour we hit Valcour Bay NHL, the site of the 1776 Battle of Valcour Island during the Revolutionary War, where the Continental Navy was
defeated by the British. I knew there was a NYS sign here which we photoed. Online we also saw there was a plaque on a rock, but no sign of that anywhere here
so we moved on south to Port Kent and the Elkanah Watson House NHL. This was the 1828 home of the businessman and diplomat best known for founding and promoting
the idea of agricultural fairs. The private home is very pretty, looking out over the Lake, and we did our photos of the last stop of the day.
NYS signage ...
... for Valcour Bay
We found the plaque ...
... so Ken took ...
... our photo
Elkanah Watson House
Another view
See the plaque?
The best we could do
10/19/2020 On the road south, on an overcast day - first on the Interstate, then rejoining the Lakes to Locks - to Port Henry for a roadside
attraction of local interest at Bulwagga Bay Campground & Beach. We parked at the gate of the trailer campground full of trailers and devoid of all people; we
guessed it was more off-season storage than current campers. We walked down to the Lake for a look at Champ – a fun model of the legendary lake monster.
Champ looking over the Lake
Ken - Champ - Me
Mohawk Towpath Scenic Byway

Total Segments Traveled
Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor
10/17/2020 On to Cohoes where we drove past Harmony Mills NHL, also from years ago, and parked for a view of the falls
in Falls View Park, on the Mohawk Towpath NSB. Unfortunately, the park was closed for repairs; too bad since the view seemed like it would be
really nice. Oh well. Followed the Mohawk Towpath NSB a little more ...
Byway info ...
... with logo