Chewacla State Park
3/24/2023 we picked up Jersey Mike’s sandwiches with our next stop in Auburn in mind - Chewacla State Park, inevitably called Chewbacca by us. The park is an NRT, hence our particular interest. “Chewacla State Park's tranquil park facilities and plenty of recreational opportunities make it the perfect choice for a family daytrip or a solitary hiking experience”. We had planned to park at one spot and walk on the Mountain Laurel Trail a short way to a waterfall, but a nice young woman at the entrance gate suggested a longer but more gentle Lakeside Connector Trail around from the other side. We parked at some old CCC structures and took a really pleasant quarter mile walk around a pretty lake created by our destination dam, and at the end saw the wisdom of her suggestion - the short approach from the other side was very steep. We hung out by the waterfall for a bit, checking out some young families with the kids enjoying the pools and mini rapids. Back at the CCC shelter we found a nice picnic table and enjoyed the okay sandwiches (we like Jimmie John’s better) with a super view of the lake.