State Parks
New Mexico State Parks
Red Rock State Park
5/25/2007 Continued down to Gallup to the Red Rock State Park. Couldn’t see the museum due to some event going on,
but did take a short hike along the red rocks to get a closer look at Church Rock.
The park sign
A long look at ...
... Church Rock
Rio Grande Nature Center State Park
9/11/2008 Back down into Albuquerque to the Rio Grande Nature Center State Park. Checked out the visitor center,
and took the loop trail down to the very red and silty Rio Grande.
The park sign
Hummingbirds and turtles
Nice view
The Rio Grande
Pretty Sunflower
Rockhound State Park
5/15/1998 ... continued to Denning, and south to Rockhound State Park. Took a mile+ nature trail in beautiful
weather (hot) around different cactus types. Many kinds of rocks - jasper, geodes, gemstones, etc. can be found here, but without
rock hammers we just enjoyed the flora.
The park sign
A view back at the valley
Local friend
Maureen on the trail
Spines ...
... and flowers