State Parks
Vermont State Parks
Granville Reservation State Park
7/8/2010 Continued north on scenic roads, passing through some heavy rain and stopping at the Granville Reservation
(State Park) to walk to a nice waterfall.
Me photoing ...
... the waterfall
Justin S. Morrill Homestead State Historic Site
4/22/2022 ... we continued to Strafford, VT and the Justin S. Morrill Homestead NHL and SHS. This is the Gothic Revival home of the
Vermont representative and senator known for the 1862 and 1890 Morrill Land-Grant Colleges Acts. The site is a nice little complex of home and outbuildings
on a pretty property, and while we could have enjoyed a bit more of a stroll around here, the chilly rain decided to start up, so we got back on the road.
The park sign
An overview of the place
Ken photoing ...
... the NHL plaque
The main house ...
... with interpretive signage
A little closer ...
... and with Ken and me
Some details
A wider shot with us
Outbuildings ...
... and a nice stream
Maidstone Lake State Park
8/1971 Drove to Maidstone Lake [State Park], VT to campsite with Pomerenks. Had huge woodpile, kept a fire going
most of the day while at camp. … Lots of boating on the lake, including putting Sportyak motor on rented rowboat, towing Sportyak out
to little island in the lake.
The park (forest) sign
Nice view of the lake
We need a bigger island
8/1976 Drove to Maidstone Lake, Vermont with the Pomerenks. Camping, and boating on the lake.
Our campsite
Me sailing the Skamper ...
... and then Ken
Me in the Sportyak
Both of us rowing/paddling
Mount Independence State Historic Site
10/17/2020 we continued northwest to Orwell and Mount Independence NHL, also an SHS and in the Champlain Valley NHA/NHP. Note:
The “NHA” status sparked a vigorous discussion. The overall type of these sites is National Heritage Area. Most of the sites are “XYZ NHA”.
A small handful have National Heritage Something in their name, and this National Heritage Area name is Champlain Valley National Heritage
Partnership. So, Ken called it CVNHP (correct) and I called it an NHA (correct). Constructed in July 1776 on Lake Champlain, it is the
site of extensive Revolutionary War fortifications built by the American army to stop a British invasion. Here the excitement roller
coaster headed back down. We walked one loop path which was just a stroll in the woods with a brief view of Lake Champlain. We tried part
of the longer interpretive trail, hoping to see a soldier hut, but although there was nice signage, it was just the site of the hut.
Apparently, most of this area is back to the natural woods setting.
The park sign
A view of Lake Champlain
The VC
Cool tree
Ken reading some of ...
... the trail signage
President Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site
7/8/10 Continued west on small roads to Plymouth Notch, home of Calvin Coolidge (now President Calvin Coolidge
State Historic Site). Took a tour through the little village [Calvin Coolidge Historic District] starting with original and reconstructed
barns. Across the street is the original birth home of CC, where we could go inside and see the nicely restored old house. From there,
diagonally across that street to the family homestead house where CC took the oath of office from his father after the death of Warren
Harding. Also went to the church and to the Plymouth Cheese Factory, a working cheese manufacturer.
The park sign
A look down the main street
Coolidge birthplace
Coolidge homestead
The cheese factory
The church
Mom and me at the store
President Chester Arthur State Historic Site
10/18/2020 We continued to Fairfield for two more stops for our buddy CAA. There is some historical confusion here. There was a large
monument established at his birthplace, and later on a group had added a reproduction version of his birth home. However, it was later
determined that the “birthplace” was in fact a childhood home. So, on our tour, we stopped first at a state sign noting his true birthplace
a few miles away. We then went to the nice little park (the President Chester A. Arthur SHS) to see the original stone monument and home.
The park sign ...
... and interpretive signage
A 180 of the park
Monument and home
Kan and me
Quechee State Park
7/8/2010 From there not too far west to the VC for the Quechee Gorge in Quechee State Park. Took a short trail
down to the base and then up onto the Gorge Bridge for good views into the gorge with nice whitewater although there was a lot of haze.
The park sign
The bridge
A closer view
Mom on the bridge
A view down the gorge