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Travel Statistics

All statistics are as of 12/31/2023 unless otherwise noted

National Park Service 502 of 567 total park sites visited
389 of 425 total park Units visited
380 of 387 CONUS park Units visited
National Historic Landmarks 1444 of 2640 sites visited
National Natural Landmarks 51 of 586 sites visited
National Recreation Trails 53 sites visited
Bureau Of Land Management 19 sites visited
U.S. Forest Service 10 sites visited
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 41 sites visited
State Sites 246 State Parks, State Historic Parks and State Historic Sites visited
State Capitals 50 of 50 State Capitol Buildings visited
U.S. Presidents 191 of 343 sites visited
Signers of the Declaration of Independence 79 of 190 sites visited
Scenic Byways and Historic Roads 18 driven before they were official, 93 after becoming official
Commercial Airline Flights and Airports 584 air trips
1730 flight segments
140 individual airports departed from, arrived at or transited through
U.S. Locations 2243 individual towns, cities or locations visited
Foreign Countries 26 countries visited
Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, Bermuda, Canada, England, France,
Germany (West and Unified), Germany (East), Greece, Hong Kong, Israel,
Italy, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, People's Republic of China,
Republic of China (Taiwan), Saudi Arabia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Vatican City
Souvenir Pens and Pencils 738 total from the U.S. and other countries

My travel locations as of 12/31/2022:

Full United States -

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Contiguous United States -

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Canada/Mexico/Atlantic -

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Europe/Middle East -

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Asia -

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South Pacific -

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