Florida United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge
4/8/2009 Continued up to Lake Woodruff NWR and parked near the lake area. Not a whole lot here - saw birds
around the water area and took a ~1 mile-ish hike around nature trails.
The park sign
A view of the area
A few birds
Me taking a photo of ...
... this flower
A view of the swampy area
Some cypress knees
Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge
6/1/2009 Back up the barrier island and south again into Merritt Island NWR (also part of the Seashore).
First stop, Haulover Canal near a drawbridge where we could see 5-7 Manatees feeding. We couldn't see a lot any one time but
definitely got the sense of the size of the animals. Continued down to the NWR VC for brochures and a look at the area from a
deck (saw Ospreys). From there we drove around the auto tour route which proved to be pretty but pretty much without wildlife.
Part way around we walked to an observation tower (small) but still not much activity - oh well.
The park sign ...
... and one near the Manatees
The canal ...
... with one Manatee ...
... and another
An Osprey nest
Ken and me on the observation deck
On the auto tour
A little wildlife