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New Mexico United States Forest Service

Jemez National Recreation Area

9/11/2008 Continued south into the Jemez NRA [USFS]. Stopped at a fishing access area along the Jemez.

The RA sign ...
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... and the site where I am
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Me by the Jemez
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Valles Caldera National Preserve

9/11/2008 Headed north, then west to the Valles Caldera National Preserve [USFS] [along the Jemez Mountain Trail Byway]. Parked at the trailhead for the Valle Grande trail and hiked that for a while. Very pleasant, but didn’t get a good view of the valley. Luckily, just down the road a bit was a scenic pullout with a great view of the collapsed caldera valley (500 times the material of Mt. St. Helens). Enjoyed the view, and the calls of the elk in the woods.

The park sign
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Informative signage
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Me and the caldera
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A nice panorama
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