NPS States
NPS Types
Other National Park System Sites (Non-Units) - Multi-State
Chesapeake Bay Gateway and Watertrails Network (Maryland, Virginia)
11/8/2008 Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail
10/16/2010 Headed back to Fredericksburg and stopped at George Washington Ferry Farm, the boyhood home (from 6 to 20)
of GW (an NHL, and also in the NPS Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network [VA]). Walked around the garden and archeological site for the original farmhouse,
then down to the ferry crossing (not run by the Washingtons).
Informative signage
Part of the Bay Gateway
Found artifacts
Cotton in the garden
A view of the area
Archeological site
Me at the ferry crossing site
9/20/2014 Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail
10/20/2016 Carrollton Viaduct. Built in 1829, the first stone masonry bridge built for railroad use in the U.S.,
and one of the world's oldest railroad bridges still in use for rail traffic. Here we parked and walked to the Viaduct, in the Chesapeake
Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network [MD]. We noted all kinds of garbage hanging in the trees along the river, and realized it was from the
severe floods a few weeks ago. While we were there a train drove over the viaduct.
Mom looking down the river
A path under the viaduct
Me taking photos ...
... of one side of the viaduct
Me again ...
... taking a cool reflection photo
A train on the viaduct
11/17/2016 Star-Spangled Banner National Historic Trail
4/21/2017 Continued to Woodland Beach and the Historic London Town and Gardens museum complex. The target was one building,
the London Town Publik House NHL, a former Colonial tavern; completed in 1764, it is one of the best-preserved examples of a colonial-era brick
tavern house. We walked around the area, including the wooded gardens. The site is also in the Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network [MD].
London Town Publik House
A closer look
Me out front
Signage near the ferry area
The NPS logo
Reconstructed farm plot
Construction detail
Mom and me inside