State Parks
Utah State Parks
Anasazi Indian Village State Park
7/29/1994 Long drive ahead; stopped in Panguitch for diner lunch, then on to Anasazi Indian State Park (Boulder) for
a look at ruins and reconstruction of 11th century Indian dwellings.
A nice diorama
Me in front of ...
... the ruins
Maureen in a reconstruction
Antelope Island State Park
5/29/1997 Drove north up to Antelope Island State Park in the Great Salt Lake (crossing the causeway we went
through clouds of bugs all the way - yuck!). On the island we first stopped for a walk on the nice sand beach. Tasted the water -
very salty! Drove part way up a hill, the hiked 0.5 miles to the top of Buffalo Point for a great 360 deg. view of the island and GSL.
Views out to ...
... the Lake
Maureen hiking to ...
Buffalo Point
Camp Floyd/Stagecoach Inn State Park
Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail
Escalante Petrified Forest State Park
9/18/2009 Back along the dirt road and continued on 12 to Escalante Petrified Forest SP, and an unplanned place
I spotted on the map. Here I took a one mile hike up into the hills to see some nice petrified tree “logs”. Better stuff at Petrified
Forest NP, but the hike was enjoyable and gave some nice views.
The park sign
Petrified wood
Wood turned ...
... to agate
Cool close-up
Beautiful view
Fort Deseret State Park
9/17/2009 Great Basin National Heritage Area
Fremont Indian State Park
9/17/2009 Mormon Pioneer National Heritage Area
Kodachrome Basin State Park
9/18/2009 Continued further on 12 to Kodachrome Basin SP. Drove the scenic road at the base of more colorful cliffs and formations,
and took another nice hike up onto the cliffs for great views. Hit a little rain shower on the way back but it quickly passed.
The park sign
View along the trail ...
... and me on it
Cool formation
Great view!
My ride from the trail
Starvation Lake State Park
6/1/1995 On the road east (including a road closure delay) stopping at Starvation Lake State Park for a nice picnic lunch (all alone) overlooking the lake.
Picnic by the lake